The kidney PREM is run by The UK KidneyAssociation in partnership with Kidney Care UK. The measure is collected annually and is open to all patients receiving care at a renal centre in the UK.

View or download the Kidney PREM tool here.

The survey is anonymous and can be completed on paper or online in 4 different languages - English, Welsh, Urdu and Gujarati. The data collected include the patient's renal unit, their age, sex, ethnicity and treatment modality, followed by 39 questions rating their experience of care across 13 themes. These themes include communication, needling, transport and environment. PREM data by renal unit are available through the PREM portal.

The UKRR works with the University of Hertfordshire to collect, validate, analyse and publish the results of the PREM surveys in an annual report, which has been running since 2017.

Further information and links to previous annual reports can be found here.