AKI Nutrition Guide

The AKI Nutrition Guide provides an overview of nutritional considerations for adult patients affected by acute kidney injury (AKI):

Download the AKI Nutrition Guide here

Best practice guides for the AKI detection algorithm and data transmission to the UKRR

The installation of the NHS England AKI detection algorithm should be regarded as one part of a trust-wide approach to tackle Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). The installation of the algorithm will primarily be the role of laboratory staff but other elements of the pathway will require a multispecialty approach, including appropriate clinical engagement and senior executive buy in. This Best Practice Guidance is intended to help with the installation, testing and introduction of AKI detection into clinical practice:

Acute Kidney Injury Warning Algorithm - Best Practice Guidance

The NHS England patient safety alert mandates the electronic transmission of AKI Warning Stage data to the UK Renal Registry. The "Transmitting AKI Warning Stage Data to the UK Renal Registry" document outlines the procedures and protocols for transmitting this data:

Transmitting AKI Warning Stage Data to the UK Renal Registry - Best Practice Guidance