
At the UK Renal Registry (UKRR), we have recognised that many people have contributed to the UKRR, freely giving their own time and with little direct recognition.

Where warranted, for exceptional contributions, it has proven difficult to identify a suitable existing award to nominate them for.

In 2013, a new award was created, the ‘Terry Feest’ award, in recognition of the contribution made by Terry Feest, not only in the early days of helping set up the UKRR but also more recently up until his retirement.



  • ¬£250 Amazon vouchers
  • Certificate
  • Plaque


This award is an annual award, should a suitable nominee be identified and approved. The award does not have to be made every year.


You can nominate if you are a member of:

  • UKRR staff
  • UK Kidney Association (UKKA) trustee board

For each nominee, the following must be provided by email:

  • Name of nominator
  • Name of nominee
  • Nominee email address
  • Supporting statement to explain and justify the nomination, maximum 300 words.


Nominees must:

  1. have made a significant contribution to the work of the UKRR within any area of the organisation e.g. management, research, new initiatives, audit
  2. have received no remuneration from the UKRR for the work being recognised (other than expenses legitimately incurred)
  3. have received no funding from another source for the work
  4. at the time of nomination, have not received another award for the contribution being recognised
  5. have not held office with the UKKA with respect to the work being recognised.

Awarding Committee

The UKRR Senior Management Team will review the nominations received. If more than one nomination is received, the name put forward will be determined by a majority vote of the management team with the Director having the casting vote if needed.

The Director will put forward the proposed recipient together with a supporting statement to the trustees. The trustees will confirm the nominee meets the award selection criteria.


The award will be announced and presented during the Annual UKKA Conference or if not feasible at another suitable event/meeting.

Previous winners

2013 Dr Afzal Chaudhry, Cambridge

2014 Dr Andrew Williams, Swansea

2015 Prof Paul Roderick, Southampton

2016 Dr Malcolm Lewis, Manchester

2017 Mr Nick Jones, AGILOAK LLC

2018 Mrs Denny Abbott, Patients Council

2019 Prof Dorothea Nitsch, London

2020 Prof Nick Selby, Nottingham

2021 Prof Danny Gale, London