Journal of Kidney Care (JKC) is the essential bi-monthly peer-reviewed publication for all members of the multi-professional renal team.

It covers several clinical areas of renal medicine including dialysis, transplantation, diabetes, anaemia, pharmacy and nutrition. Every issue of the journal has a clinical focus on one of these key aspects of kidney care.

Formerly Journal of Renal Nursing, JKC was relaunched to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of kidney care and the wide range of the journal’s content.

JKC’s content is aimed at doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, dietitians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, paediatric specialists, clinical technologists, social workers, vascular access specialists, and transplant surgeons and coordinators specialising in kidney care.

In addition to clinical guides and original research, regular features published in JKC include:

  • Drug focuses ‚Äì articles on a specific medication in the context of a patient study
  • Practice-based initiatives ‚Äì papers on regional and national projects to enhance care for patients with kidney disease
  • Patient perspectives ‚Äì patient stories and a regular patient voice column
  • Palliative care ‚Äì features on guidelines and initiatives for patients at the end of life
  • Renal managers ‚Äì professional advice on a range of topics, such as CQC inspections, staff appraisals and recruitment
  • Research updates ‚Äì summaries of kidney care studies and research roundup columns
  • Spotlight ‚Äì commentary on news and debates in kidney care
  • Archive ‚Äì the last page of the journal, looking back at the history of renal medicine