We create a series of high-quality, nationally accessible, patient-focused leaflets on a variety of topics relating to kidney health.

The work is carried out in partnership with Kidney Care UK, the UK’s leading kidney patient support charity.

The topics are chosen by the kidney patient community because of their importance, as well as the current lack of easily accessible information on those areas.

We work with our partners and health professionals to produce consistent, high-quality information for all kidney patients.

Hospitals can co-brand our leaflets with their trust logos and present them as shared information resources. This reduces the duplication of effort and the inconsistency of information provided, ensuring that resources are trustworthy and authoritative.

The leaflets have been accredited by the Patient Information Forum (‘PIF TICK’) to ensure that they are evidence-based, understandable, jargon-free, up-to-date and produced to the best possible standard

For leaflets and resources click here For the Patient Information Committee click here

For more information contact:

Melanie Dillon, Patient Information Coordinator, Kidney Care UK