The Association has a strong bedrock of Governance with a Trustee Board, Executive Council, advisory Patient Council and links to key UK Stakeholder Kidney Charities.

UKKA is supported by an executive, including CEO, Marketing and Communications, Human Resources and in-house Secretariat underpinning UKKA corporate delivery. An Operational Leadership Group will ensure day-to-day running and delivery of its strategic aims.

Clinical and Academic committees will continue to meet the needs of its members. Central to delivery, the UKKA is focused on the creation of a series of multi-professional Special Interest Groups supported and enabled through core UKKA corporate structures.

Together, the RA and BRS are creating a dynamic, representative, democratic membership organisation. One that is fit for purpose for the next 20 years and beyond to serve the needs of a dedicated and innovative kidney constituency.

Our Trustees

Presidents: Prof Paul Cockwell, Clare Morlidge

Past-President: Dr Sharlene Greenwood

BAPN President: Dr Jan Dudley

Clinical Vice Presidents: Dr Katie Vinen, Karen Jenkins

Academic Vice Presidents: Prof Neil Sheerin, Helen Hurst

Honorary Secretary: Prof Alan Salama

Treasurer: Prof Claire Sharpe

Non-member Trustees: David Silver, Heather Lawrence