16 October 2024

A new report by the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change highlights the urgent need for the UK government to transform its food system to better support human health and protect the environment. Plant-powered Planet: Building a Healthy & Sustainable Food System, produced in collaboration with the UK Kidney Association, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and Plant-Based Health Professionals, provides a roadmap for a healthier and more sustainable future.

The report calls on the health sector to take action, especially within hospitals, to promote healthier, sustainable diets:

  1. Make plant-based meals the standard, phasing out processed meats in hospitals by 2030
  2. Promote healthy, sustainable eating habits
  3. Halve NHS food waste by 2030
  4. Increase plant-based nutrition training for healthcare professionals
  5. End financial support for industrial livestock operations

The report also notes that kidney disease and other chronic conditions linked to poor diet are exacerbated by environmental factors, including climate change. By adopting more sustainable, plant-based diets, the UK has the opportunity to improve the health of its population while reducing the environmental impact of the healthcare system.

“The UK Kidney Association is proud to support the Plant-Powered Planet Policy Report from the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change. As we confront the dual challenges of rising kidney disease rates and the impact of climate change, a shift toward more sustainable, plant-based nutrition is vital for improving health outcomes and reducing strain on our environment. Together, we can ensure a healthier future for both individuals and the planet.” – Angeline Taylor, Lead Dietitian, UK Kidney Association

In conjunction with the release of this policy report comes the launch of a new initiative "Plants First Healthcare" calling on NHS leaders to make plant-based meals the default in healthcare settings. This campaign is supported by 22 healthcare organisations representing more than 1 million members. An open letter to support the campaign addressed to every NHS Trust and healthcare leader has been signed by the UK Kidney Association, the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, the British Dietetic Association (BDA) Sustainable Diets Group, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, among many others.

Plants First Healthcare highlights that normalising plant-based meals in hospitals could save the NHS £74 million annually, while providing healthy meals for patients and helping NHS Trusts to cut their food-related emissions by up to 50%. The scheme would make plant-based meals the default, while giving patients and staff the choice to opt into meat and dairy options.

There is now overwhelming evidence that shifting towards a plant-predominant food system would significantly improve national health outcomes, address health inequalities and is essential for meeting our climate and nature targets. The proposed changes would help get the NHS on track to achieve its pledge of net-zero emissions by 2045. Plants First Healthcare also aligns with the priorities of Lord Darzi's recent report on the state of the NHS in England – specifically a 'Greener NHS' and the focus on ‘the power of prevention’ which has been a long-term NHS policy intention.