Quality Improvement is the combined and unceasing efforts of everyone - kidney healthcare professionals, patients with kidney disease and their families, commissioners of kidney services, researchers, and educators - to make the changes that will lead to better patient outcomes (health), better system performance (care) and better professional development (learning). This definition arises from our conviction that healthcare will not realise its full potential unless change-making becomes an intrinsic part of everyone's job, every day, in all parts of the system.
-Batalden PB, Davidoff F.
Qual Saf Health Care. 2007 Feb; 16 (1) : 2-3.
KQuIP's aims
KQuIP will focus on embedding systematic Quality Improvement (QI) into everyday multidisciplinary paediatric and adult practice by clinicians and managerial staff within all renal services including kidney transplantation.
KQuIP will provide expert clinical strategic advice regarding QI within renal services to NHS England and the other UK countries.
It will facilitate education, project management and capture of outcome data for QI projects in collaboration with renal clinical networks/Regional QI architecture and local renal units.
It is anticipated that this supportive framework will provide the freedom for clinicians to identify, foster, and encourage local innovation (bottom-up ideas and priorities) and to address the education of clinical staff to improve the quality of practice; with an expectation that this learning will be passed on and shared.
KQuIP is managed by the Partnership Board and a small operational group.
Board members can be viewed here and they work to the requirements of the KQuIP Operational Framework including Terms of Reference which details the roles of the workstreams.
Information about the founding partners of KQuIP appear here.